Friday, November 7, 2008

Save your money for your children!

I am finally starting to feel back to normal since Tuesday. It certainly took long enough!

At weigh in last night I lost 1.4 pounds, which puts me at 33.2. My 35 pound goal is so close now I can smell it. It would be nice to hit it by Thanksgiving, so I could focus on other things before Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas, I've started to put together a "shopping list" of sorts for presents and things. We're tight on money this year, so we're really having to plan ahead. Not fun at all, but it's just the way it is sometimes. With the wedding coming, and the show, and all the trips we are planning over the next year...yah. It's just better to plan ahead. Seriously though. Listen to this nonsense.

November: Ohio (flying)
December: Ohio (driving)
May: Ohio (driving)
June: Minnesota (driving)
June: North Carolina (flying)
June: New York (flying)
October: Ohio (flying)
November: Ohio (don't know yet...)
November/December: Honeymoon somewhere...(flying)
December: Ohio (don't know yet..)
February: Tropical Island??? (definitely flying)

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