Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I've taken a leave of absence from exercise this past week. Thursday was just too busy and I was too exhausted from Thursday on Friday. Dan and I did manage to get in 4o minutes on Saturday, but Sunday I just didn't feel like it and Monday I didn't either. I got my period today, so I guess it makes sense as to why my body seemed to be rebelling against any form of movement. I've also just been feeling really out of it, which hasn't been helping my exercise motivation. But I've been eating really well every day, so I still pat myself on the back for hard work well done. It has been easy for me in the past to say, if I'm not exercising than I may as well pig out, but this week I was able to conquer that. Go me! And I also feel like I've lost weight this week, although we'll see with my period in town. He often throws off the numbers at the scales.

Thanksgiving shouldn't be too bad for my diet. I will have tomorrow morning to exercise and transit days are easy to track points. And Dan and I plan to walk every day that we're in Ohio, because it's good for me and it will get us out in the fresh air instead of laying on couches eating cookies. :)

I am so excited to go home! I can't wait to see everyone and to talk about wedding things.

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