Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Rolling Stone...

I'm still getting into the swing of things, but already I feel like I've gotten a semblance of control back. And it feels damn good.

Last night Dan and I were feeling too sick/stressed out to go to the gym. Our three nights during the week is very nice because it allows for us to take any two nights off that we want. Anyway, we made dinner and rested up and then before bed I did 30 minutes wii fit yoga. It helped stretch me out and I worked up a tiny bit of sweat.

I've been feeling pretty tense at work lately, so to combat that I did 15 minutes of stretching this morning. I also did 15 minutes of weight lifting, because I'd like to add it into my routine three days of week. I really liked working out this morning. It cleared my head and woke me up and I felt much more prepared for the day ahead. I think I'm going to try to stretch every day when I get up from now on and try to keep the weight training in the morning too. That way my gym time can be strictly cardiovascular and I don't have to deal with the meat heads in the weight room.

And speaking of the gym, the plan is to go tonight, tomorrow and Thursday. We typically do 30 minutes on the elliptical and then walk home (which takes between 10-15 minutes).

Again, it scares me a bit to be diving into a schedule where I wake up and exercise, come home and exercise, and exercise on the weekends. There is this fear of devoting all my time away from work to getting healthy. But I need to push past this fear and just do it, because I know if I can get into the habit I am going to feel a billion times healthier. And it will no longer feel like time lost, but rather weight lost. And that is the damn point.

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