Friday, September 23, 2011


I guess the last post was a lie, because now that I'm blogging for Columbia I somehow am thinking about posts for this blog all the time. And am in fact blogging right now. So.

I was thinking of words that describe me today (for a project) and a new one occurred to me that I haven't used before: Active. Right now in this period of my life, I am damn active. I mean this in a couple of ways.

First off, lately I seem to be always in motion. I walk the dogs twice a day, I bike back and forth to work, and I stroll with the babies for an hour each day. While working, I am either on my feet or bending to lift and carry babies about. I also climb up the staircase to our 3rd floor apartment a minimum of 4 times a day, plus the stairs at the CTA 2 times a day, plus I take the stairs at school (4 flights). And then there are the weekend walks I take with my husband and the general strolling about my neighborhood that occurs each weekend as well. I am almost always in motion. Pretty cool.

The second way I am currently very active: I am wearing a lot of hats right now professionally. I am a Graduate Ambassador, a full time graduate student, a part time nanny, a part time teacher for Scientists for Tomorrow, a monthly puppeteer for open books... And soon I'll be adding monthly podcaster for Transistor, a fashion consultant for Milya's, and a member of the recently created Traders Row Neighborhood Association. I mean... Full Time graduate student is already a lot of work. But I am passionate about all this (and need money), so I'm going for it here.

The third way I'm feeling active is in friendships. I've very recently been making new friends (grad school related mostly), but I've also been reconnecting with old friends... In addition to spending time with my regular crew. Socially, I'm feeling a little "cup runneth over." It's great. It's maybe the only thing on this list that's a tad overwhelming to me, as on top of this I have husband, family, and dogs to focus a lot of love on too.

Anyway. Active man. Damn active.

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