Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Taking Time

Her'e's the thing. I'm in grad school full-time and I work about 30 hours a week. I am a freaking busy lady. It's no joke. Last semester I took the time to work out and eat well along with everything else I needed to get done. And it felt good and in one semester I lost 29 pounds (total of 57 now and counting).

But here's the thing. It's really frustrating to be focused on a bunch of things that feel like work. And when you're really busy, even the things that are good for you can feel like one more thing you have to do. So this semester I am trying to adjust my attitude. Why? Because I'm busy. Because it's cold outside. Because I'm broke and could easily have a bad attitude. But I'm not going to have one because I decided something awesome: I'm going to do things for me. Because they make me feel good, empowered, happy, in the moment. Because they make me feel strong and wise and focused and calm and fill me with good energy. That is what this semester is about.

What does this look like? Or rather, what has changed? Well, for starters most of my exercise happens walking back and forth to work because it fits into my life and gives me time to listen to my podcast. That's how I'm getting it done. When I get home from class three nights a week I am lifting weights, because it makes me feel really empowered. On the weekends my walks are with Dan because it's our time to chat with each other. If it's too cold I do the wii fit. And I've yet again increased all the hearty healthy food in my diet. Here's what I'm eating during the week:

Gluten-Free Oats with Berries
Greek Yogurt and Pretzels
Red Pepper and Tomato Soup with Kale
Pineapple & Mango
Gluten-Free Sandwich with Peppers, Cucumbers and Cheese
Pecans and Chocolate

And then there is this other thing. This thing that feels like a secret, except I am shouting it from the rooftops. For two hours a week I do exactly what I want. Exactly what makes me feel happy, empowered, strong, confident, and like I can kick some serious ass. I dance dance. I party party. It has already changed my life and I suspect it's going to be the key to weight loss over the winter months. But even if it doesn't make a difference - I found something that makes me totally zen and full of joy all at the same time. It's exciting.

Instead of resolutions this year, I decided to start making a list of everything I want to accomplish. Some are short term, some are long term. Some I'm already working on, some I won't likely accomplish for years to come. But these are the things that make sense to me to lead a happy, healthy life.

Things I Want to Accomplish:

Practice Inner & Outer Strength
Take long walks
Practice Yoga
Dance regularly
Make "wholesome living" choices
Eat more fruit & veggies
Drink more tea
Attend a Buddhist service

Take a pottery class
Take a painting class
Take a screen printing class
Take a crocheting class
Take a writing class
Read more about the arts, politics, and education policy

Create a diverse classroom library
Get my masters degree
Earn a science endorsement
Focus in on the arts

Have a baby
Live a cozy lifestyle
Have a small, well tended garden
Express Daily Appreciation for my husband
Immerse myself in my community