Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Drunken blogging ftw

I am pleasantly dunk and trying to blog on my iPhone. We shall see how this goes.

I found out Saturday that I got into Columbia College Chicago! They are giving me close to a full ride, so minimal student loans. And I'm going to be working as a nanny for my godchildren and teaching puppetry while going to school. Cue me putting back on my Bohemia hat! I'm so done with desk jobs. No more. Give me a room where I have to be "present" to work, please! I am done with checking out from work and eking out a life. I want to live! I can ride my bike to nanny, Damnit! Amazing.

In two years I'll have a masters, a teaching license and certificates in elementary Ed, special Ed, and theatre k-9. Working with kids, creating curriculum... Ahhhhhhh! It's for me. I am that artsy fartsy teacher.

I gave my three weeks notice at work. I feel damn good. They have offered to take me back part time anytime I want if I need extra cash. Thy are all supportive, which is cool. They recognize that it's a step up and a huge opportunity. Which I did t expect to happen, but it's nice.

Since I found out and since I quit.... I just... I haven't felt this happy in a long time. This feels really right. Ryan took me out for champagne on Saturday and my husband took me to Sola for a celebratory dinner on sunday. Yesterday holly took me for lunch and Tonight our good friends Emily and Janet took us out for martinis. A week of celebration!

Tomorrow we go to Ryan and yolanda's house to babysit. This week feels like a blur. Dan and I both feel hopeful for the future. I think i needed to go back to the creative side of things to get the rest of me going again.

I want to be more social. I am normally, but I feel like work has killed that. Other than the baby hole we have mostly been hibernating since january. But now we have plans in advance for fun outings. We even have made weekly Corner Bar plans with Emily and Janet. North center yo.

Okay. I hope this makes sense when I read it tomorrow.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Passed all five exams! Test taking genius, say I! This means I will find out about AUSL within the next two weeks.... And if I do get it I'll be playing nanny April-June!!!!! Feeling good!


Heavy Things on my mind...
  • Michigan. Specifically, Detroit's school cuts, collective bargaining, and the ability for the Governor to declare a "financial emergency" in any city and then strip that city of it's elected officials.
  • Wisconsin. Probably don't need to expand on this one.
  • My cousin Andy, his wife Sharon, and their newborn baby Quinn, who are on the Misawa airbase in Japan. Right after the earthquake they reported in as being okay, but since then the tsunami's have hit and we don't know for sure where they are. I know in my gut they are probably fine, he's a top gun fighter pilot after all, but mostly I'm scared for their baby.
  • My Mom. Anniversaries are rough.
Exciting things on my mind...
  • I get my test results back at 5pm tonight. Here's hoping that I pass all five exams and don't have to retake anything in April.
  • I have my big interview tomorrow. My lesson plan is prepped and I've been reading it aloud to myself at work all day. I feel pretty confident about it and it would be amazing to know whether or not I "get it" by the end of March.
  • Being a god parent. Since the babies came home, we've been pretty consistently going over to help every week. It feels really amazing to be able to be so involved in their early days. I keep thinking about when we first met them in November and how much they've changed and it brings tears to my eyes. And I've been having a lot of fun changing diapers (really!), changing clothes, swaddling, comforting crying babies, and learning how to give bottles. And really, watching Dan do all of those things is also an amazing experience. We have fallen in love with our godchildren and they've really inspired us to start thinking concretely and not just whimsically about having children. I think we're both ready.. Eek!
  • Seeing HAIR on Saturday night. Let the sun shine in!!!
  • My brother's wedding in June and the bridal shower in April.
  • Making time to cuddle every night before bed, and setting our alarm a little early so we can cuddle before we get up every morning. :)
I guess that's about it. Which is actually quite a lot.