Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I've lost about 16 pounds in 7 weeks and am feeling really good. Here are some of the things I'm doing to continue to succeed each week:

1. Really treating this as a lifestyle change and not as a diet. A lifestyle change means permanence and taking the time to think about what I choose to put into my body at every meal.

2. Setting small, manageable goals for myself. This means celebrating as the amount lost goes up, but also celebrating when the number go down on the scale. It feels like I'm meeting goals much faster because of this.

3. Instead of purchasing different produce for each meal (so only planning to use it once) I plan all my meals for the week by what produce is in the fridge. This means I'm consistently using everything in my fridge and I'm also getting in 5-9 servings of fruits and veggies per day.

4. Tracking everything I eat. It's simple, but I am making much smarter choices because of this.

5. Tracking all of my exercise and participating in 30/30 and now the 45/30 challenge. I have exercised almost every day since June and it is starting to become routine.

It feels good that this is going so well and I am happy I've found something that works before school starts up. I have long term dates/goals in mind to help me move forward, but I'm trying mainly use my small goals as motivation.

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