Monday, December 29, 2008

a response to my last blog

So I made a perfectly good plan two weeks ago. We all know how it goes when you make plans...

Listen. I did really good the Thursday, Friday and Saturday before Christmas. I counted points, I exercised on Friday. I took it seriously.

Sunday and Monday were okay. I had small breakfasts and no lunch so that I could be prepared for whatever my guests wanted to eat for dinner. We also did some serious walking on Monday, which helped I'm sure. But both Sunday and Monday nights I gorged myself on pizza, mozzerella sticks and chicken fingers. Granted, it all tasted amazing and I didn't regret it at all. It was just way off the diet scale, so to speak.

Tuesday - Saturday were, well days off from the diet. When I could make a good choice I did, but for the most part I ate whatever I wanted. And it was fun, but by the end of it I felt tired, bloated and generally unhappy with myself. I did less than perfect, I did pretty bad.

but oh well. I said it'd be okay to go a little crazy. I went a lot crazy, but at least I know how to get back on the plan. Saturday I exercised for 30 minutes. Yesterday I stayed well within my points range and I also exercised for a full hour. It felt really good.

So I have been back on for a little over a day and already my head feels clearer and my pants feel a little less tight. I am in love with my wii fit. It is something that I can do whenever I want to, like tonight after rehearsal, for example.

Life is happy. I've got goals, man.

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