Friday, December 19, 2008


I lost 2.2 pounds this week, which brings me to a grand total of 41.6! Woo hoo! I wanted to be over 40 by Christmas, so check that off my goal list baby!

I talked to Peter after the meeting, because the topic was the holidays and I feel like I'm in a pickle. Here's the situation... I've got dear friends in town for two days, so lots of eating out. And that is directly followed by three days of holiday parties (one at the mother in law's house, one at the father in law's house, and one at my Dads). And since we are staying with each of these people, we are having three meals a day with them. So that's five days of questionable eating situations.

So Peter listened and then said the following, "Life happens. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Make smart choices, but honestly, if I were you I'd make it a goal to work out every day this week. It will help you clear your head and you'll earn activity points. That way if you want to celebrate and eat what is provided, you don't have to feel as bad about it."

I started today with a 30 minute walk on my lunch break. I took the stairs up to the garden conservatory and back down, then I took the stairs up to the Winter Wonderland Festival and back down. And when I got back to the office I took the five flights of stairs up to my floor. And I felt good and it's helped me consume much less chocolate than I would have today (we received five big boxes of Hershey's). I'm also planning on lifting weights tonight before bed, going for a walk after rehearsal tomorrow, and lifting weights Sunday morning. Then on Monday Annie, Nick and I will be doing a lot of walking anyway. Tuesday will be hard as it's our travel day, but I will make an effort to take the dogs for a long walk. Then Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I just need to escape our families houses to take the dogs for a 30 minute walk each day. And boom! End of the holidays and lots of exercise. Even if I eat poorly, it will help even out my bad choices. I like Peter.

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